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Scientific Writings









  • The Intermediate Coupling Theory of the Pseudoscalar Meson-Nucleon Interaction.
    (with P.T. Matthews)
    Phys. Rev. 86, 715-726 (1952)

  • Recent Advances in Nuclear Theory and Experiment.
    Pak. J. Sci. 4, no.1, 4-10 (1952)
  • Renormalization of Scalar Electrodynamics Using β-Formalism.
    Proc. Roy. Soc. (London) A211, 276-284 (1952)


  • Cosmological Theory.
    Pak. J. Sci. 5, no.2, 55-58 (1953)
  • Covariant Fock Equations.
    (with P.T. Matthews)
    Proc. Roy. Soc. (London) A221, 128-134 (1953)

  • The Field Theory of Superconductivity.
    Progr. Theor. Phys. 9, 550-554 (1953)
  • Fredholm Theory of Scattering in a Given Time-Dependent Field.
    (with P.T. Matthews)
    Phys. Rev. 90, 690-695 (1953)

  • Modified Propagation Functions in Perturbation Theory.
    Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc. 49, 638-641 (1953)


  • The Green's Functions of Quantised Fields.
    (with P.T. Matthews)
    Nuovo Cimento ser.9, 12, 563-565 (1954)



  • On the Classification of Fundamental Particles.
    (with J.C. Polkinghorne)
    Nuovo Cimento ser.10, 2, 685-690 (1955)

  • On the Relativistic Equation for Scattering.
    (with N. Kemmer)
    Proc. Roy. Soc. (London) A230, 266-271 (1955)

  • Propagators of Quantized Field.
    (with P.T. Matthews)
    Nuovo Cimento ser.10, 2, 120-134 (1955)



  • Dispersion Theory.
    CERN Symposium on High Energy Accelerators and Pion Physics, Geneva, June 11-23, 1956. High Energy Accelerators and Pion Physics, v.2, 176-183. CERN, Geneva (1956)
  • Lectures on Dispersion Theory.
    University of Rochester, New York, Technical Report NYO-7593 (1956)
  • On Generalised Dispersion Relations.
    Nuovo Cimento ser.10, 3, 424-429 (1956)
  • On Generalised Dispersion Relations. II.
    (with W. Gilbert)
    Nuovo Cimento ser.10, 3, 607-611 (1956)

  • Opening of the Tait Institute of Mathematical Physics at Edinburgh (15-17 December 1955)
    Nucl. Phys. 1, 366-378 (1956)


1956 / 1957


  • On Fermi Interactions.
    Imperial College, London preprint (1957)
  • On Parity Conservation and Neutrino Mass.
    Nuovo Cimento ser.10, 5, 299-301 (1957)
  • On Symmetries in Elementary Particle Interactions.
    (with B. d'Espagnat and J. Prentki)
    Nucl. Phys. 3, 446-455 (1957)



  • Elementary Particles.
    (Inaugural Lecture as Professor of Mathematics, Imperial College, London, May 14, 1957)
    Pak. J. Sci. 10, no. 2, 57-68 (1958)
    Contemporary Physics 1, 337-354 (1959/60)
    Contemporary Physics 50, no.1, 5-22 (2009), with a commentary by F. Close.
    Hamdard - Special Issue 10, 21-29 (1966)
  • An Analysis of the Strong Interaction Data.
    (with P.T. Matthews)
    Nuovo Cimento ser.10, 7, 789-793 (1958)

  • Analytic Properties of Expectation Values of Products of Field Operators.
    University of Rochester, New York Technical Report NYO-8796 (1958)
  • K-Meson Dispersion Relations. I. Theory.
    (with P.T. Matthews)
    Phys. Rev. 110, 565-568 (1958)

  • K-Meson Dispersion Relations. II. Applications.
    (with P.T. Matthews)
    Phys. Rev. 110, 569-572 (1958)
  • Relativistic Field Theory of Unstable Particles.
    (with P.T. Matthews)
    Phys. Rev. 112, 283-287 (1958)
    8th Rochester International Conference on High Energy Physics, Geneva, June 30-July 5, 1958. High Energy Physics at CERN, 141-144. CERN, Geneva (1958)


1958 / 1959


  • Evidence for Resonance States in the K - - N System.
    (with P.T. Matthews)
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 2, 226-227 (1959)

  • The Inelastic Scattering of Elementary Particles.
    (with P.T. Matthews)
    Nuovo Cimento ser.10, 13, 381-393 (1959)

  • Relativistic Theory of Unstable Particles. II.
    (with P.T. Matthews)
    Phys. Rev. 115, 1079-1084 (1959)

  • Weak and Electromagnetic Interactions.
    (with J.C. Ward)
    Nuovo Cimento ser.10, 11, 568-577 (1959)



  • An Equivalence Theorem for Partially Gauge-Invariant Vector Meson Interactions.
    Nucl. Phys. 18, 681-690 (1960)
  • The Inelastic Scattering of Elementary Particles. II.
    (with G. Feldman and P.T. Matthews)
    Nuovo Cimento ser.10, 16, 549-555 (1960)

  • Invariance Properties in Elementary Particle Physics.
    Summer Institute for Theoretical Physics, Colorado University, Boulder, 1959. Lectures in Theoretical Physics, v.2, 1-30. Interscience Publishers, New York (1960)
  • On the Possible Existence of Doubly Strange Heavy Mesons.
    (with J.C. Polkinghorne)
    Nuovo Cimento ser.10, 15, 166-167 (1960)



  • Change of Variables and Equivalence Theorems in Quantum Field Theories.
    (with S. Kamefuchi and L. O’Raifeartaigh)
    Nucl. Phys. 28, 529-549 (1961)

  • Diffraction Scattering of Elementary Particles.
    (with P.T. Matthews)
    Nuovo Cimento ser.10, 21, 126-134 (1961)

  • Dispersion Relations and Diffraction Scattering.
    (with P.T. Matthews)
    Nuovo Cimento ser.10, 21, 823-828 (1961)

  • Isotopic Spin Relations in Hyperon Production.
    (with J. Tiomno)
    Nuovo Cimento ser.10, 22, 1287-1289 (1961)

  • Nonleptonic Decay Modes of the Hyperons.
    (with G. Feldman and P.T. Matthews)
    Phys. Rev. 121, 302-303 (1961)

  • On a Gauge Theory of Elementary Interactions.
    (with J.C. Ward)
    Nuovo Cimento ser.10, 19, 165-170 (1961)

  • On the Symplectic Symmetry.
    (with J.C. Ward)
    Nuovo Cimento ser.10, 20, 1228-1230 (1961)

  • Resonance Effects in Intermediate Boson Theory.
    (with P.T. Matthews)
    Nuovo Cimento ser.10, 19, 837-839 (1961)

  • Vector Field Associated with the Unitary Theory of the Sakata Model.
    (with J.C. Ward)
    Nuovo Cimento ser.10, 20, 419-421 (1961)



  • Broken Symmetries.
    (with S. Weinberg and J. Goldstone)
    Phys. Rev. 127, 965-970 (1962)
    Group Theoretical Concepts and Methods in Elementary Particle Physics, 359-364. Gordon and Breach, New York (1964)
  • Lagrangian Theory of Composite Particles.
    Nuovo Cimento ser.10, 25, 224-227 (1962)
  • Some Consequences of the Unitary Symmetry.
    Nuovo Cimento ser.10, 23, 455-457 (1962)


  • The Formalism of Lie Groups.
    Seminar on Theoretical Physics, Trieste, July 16-Aug.25, 1962, 173-196. IAEA, Vienna (1963)


  • Developments in Renormalization Theory.
    Conference on the Theory and Applications of Analysis in Function Space, Dedham, MA, June 9-13, 1963. Analysis in Function Space, 121-128. MIT Press, Cambridge (1964)
  • K10 - K20 Transition in a Coulomb Field.
    (with P.T. Matthews)
    Nuovo Cimento ser.10, 32, 778 (1964)

  • A Remarkable Representation of the Weak and Electromagnetic Lagrangian.
    (with P.T. Matthews)
    Phys. Lett. 8, 357-358 (1964)

  • Renormalizable Electrodynamics of Scalar and Vector Mesons. II.
    (with R. Delbourgo)
    Phys. Rev. B135, 1398-1427 (1964)

  • Summary of Conference Results.
    International Conference on Nucleon Structure, Stanford, June 24-27, 1963, 397-414. Stanford University Press (1964)


  • The Ũ(12) Symmetry.
    (with R. Delbourgo, M.A. Rashid and J. Strathdee)
    ICTP, Trieste preprint IC/65/57.
    Seminar on High-Energy Physics and Elementary Particles, Trieste, May 3-June 30, 1965. High Energy Physics and Elementary Particles, 455-532. IAEA, Vienna (1965)


  • The Role of Symmetry Physics - Some Conclusions from the Oxford Conference - September 1965.
    ICTP, Trieste preprint IC/65/76.
    3rd European Physical Society Biennial Conference on Elementary Particles, Oxford, Sept. 19-25, 1965, 241-253. Rutherford High Energy Laboratory, Chilton, Berkshire (1966)
  • Rola Fizyki Symetrii.
    Polish version of ICTP, Trieste preprint IC/65/76 entitled: The Role of Symmetry Physics: Some Conclusions from the Oxford Conference, September 1965.
    Postepy Fizyki, 17, 167-184 (1966)
  • Symmetry of Strong Interactions.
    ICTP, Trieste preprint IC/64/1 entitled: Symmetries of Strong Interactions.
    Joint Institute for Nuclear Research preprint [JINR] E-1794.
    12th Rochester International Conference on High Energy Physics, Dubna, Aug. 5-15, 1964. High Energy Physics, 799-812. Atomizdat, Moscow (1966)
  • Teoria Grup a Symetria w Fizyce.
    Polish version of ICTP, Trieste preprint IC/65/70 entitled: Theory of Groups and the Symmetry Physicist.
    Postepy Fizyki 17, 151-165 (1966)




  • On the Zero Energy Behaviour of Regge Poles and Residues.
    (with J. Strathdee)
    ICTP, Trieste preprint (plus addendum) IC/68/31.
    Nobel Symposium 8, Aspenasgarden, Sweden, July 19-25, 1968. Elementary Particle Theory: Relativistic Groups and Analyticity, 59-103. Almqvist & Wiksell, Stockholm (1968)
  • Reggeization of U(6) × U(6).
    (with R. Delbourgo, M.A. Rashid and J. Strathdee)
    Phys. Rev. 170, 1477-1489 (1968)

  • Weak and Electromagnetic Interactions.
    Nobel Symposium 8, Aspenasgarden, Sweden, July 19-25, 1968. Elementary Particle Theory: Relativistic Groups and Analyticity, 367-377. Almqvist & Wiksell, Stockholm (1968)


  • Analysis of Charge Exchange Meson-Baryon Reactions from Reggeized Supermultiplet Theory.
    (with R. Delbourgo)
    Phys. Lett. 28B, 497-500 (1969)

  • Fundamental Theory of Matter: A Survey of Results and Methods.
    ICTP, Trieste preprint IC/68/87.
    International Symposium on Contemporary Physics, STI-PUB-214, Trieste, June 7-28, 1968. Contemporary Physics, v.2, 3-58, IAEA, Vienna (1969)
  • Self-Momentum in Chiral and Gravitational Theories.
    (with R. Delbourgo, A.P. Hunt and Q. Shafi)
    Imperial College, London preprint ICTP/69/15.
  • Suppression of Infinities in Einstein's Gravitational Theory.
    (with R. Delbourgo and J. Strathdee)
    Nuovo Cimento Lettere ser.1, 2, 354-359 (1969)

  • A Yang-Mills Gauge Theory of Supermultiplets.
    (with R. Delbourgo and J. Strathdee)
    Imperial College, London preprint ICTP/68/5.
    Problems of Theoretical Physics: Essays Dedicated to Nikolaj N. Bogolyubov on the Occasion of his 60th Birthday, 247-256. Publishing House, Moscow (1969)


  • Non-Polynomial Lagrangian Theories.
    ICTP, Trieste preprint IC/70/7.
    Acta Physica Austriaca Supp. VII, 1-31 (1970)
    Coral Gables Conference 7, University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida, Jan. 21-23, 1970. Fundamental Interactions at High Energy II, 221-253. Gordon and Breach, New York (1970)
    Internationale Universitatswochen fur Kernphysik 9, Schladming, Austria, Feb. 23-Mar. 7, 1970. Developments in High Energy Physics, 1-31.
    Springer Verlag, Vienna (1970)
  • On Renormalization Constants and Inter-Relation of Fundamental Forces.
    ICTP, Trieste preprint IC/70/106.
    15th International Rochester Conference on High Energy Physics, Kiev, Aug. 26-Sept. 4, 1970. Fundamental Problems of the Elementary Particle Theory, 15-40. Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Inst. for Theor. Phys., Kiev (1970)
    15th International Rochester Conference on High Energy Physics, Kiev, Aug. 26-Sept. 4, 1970. High Energy Physics - 1970, Preliminary Papers, 803-826. JINR, Dubna (1970)


  • Computation of Renormalization Constants.
    ICTP, Trieste preprint IC/71/3.
    Coral Gables Conference on Fundamental Interactions at High Energy, Coral Gables, Jan.20-22, 1971. Nonpolynomial Lagrangians, Renormalisation and Gravity, 3-41. Gordon and Breach, New York (1971)
  • Finite Field Theories.
    ICTP, Trieste preprint IC/71/108.
    2nd APS/DPF Meeting, Rochester, New York, Aug. 30-Sept. 2, 1971. Particles and Fields - 1971, 259-274. American Institute of Physics, New York (1971)
  • Renormalization of Rational Lagrangians.
    (with R. Delbourgo and K. Koller)
    Imperial College, London preprint ICTP/69/10.
    Ann. Phys. (NY) 66, 1-19 (1971)

  • Symmetry Concepts and the Fundamental Theory of Matter.
    Karachi Univ. J. Sci. 1, 1-15 (1971)
    Scientific Thought: Some Underlying Concepts, Methods and Procedures, 69-87. UNESCO, Paris (1972)


  • The Gravitational Correction to PCAC.
    (with R. Delbourgo)
    Imperial College, London preprint ICTP/71/24.
    Phys. Lett. 40B, 381-382 (1972)

  • Nonpolynomial Lagrangians, Infinities and Gravity Theory.
    International School of Physics "Enrico Fermi", Varenna, Aug. 2-14, 1971. Developments in High Energy Physics, 386-422. Academic Press, New York (1972)
  • The Path-Integral Quantization of Gravity.
    (To commemorate P.A.M. Dirac’s 70th Birthday.)
    (with J. Strathdee)
    Aspects of Quantum Theory, 249-268. Cambridge University Press (1972)


  • Breaking of Conformal Symmetry and Renormalization of Non-Polynomial Theories.
    University of Texas, Austin preprint ORO-3992-9, UT-26-0823-9 (1970)
    Symposium on The Past Decade in Particle Theory, Austin, Apr. 14-17, 1970, 1-32. Gordon and Breach, London (1973)
  • The Influence of f Gravity on Gravitational Collapse.
    (with C.J. Isham and J. Strathdee)
    ICTP, Trieste preprint IC/73/50.
    Nature Physical Science 244, 82-84 (1973)
  • Unified Lepton-Hadron Symmetry and a Gauge Theory of the Basic Interactions.
    (with J.C. Pati)
    Phys. Rev. D8, 1240-1251 (1973)



  • Are There Anomalous Lepton-Hadron Interactions?
    (with J.C. Pati)
    University of Maryland preprint 74-069.
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 32, 1083-1086 (1974)

  • Scalar Multiplets and Asymptotic Freedom.
    (with R. Delbourgo and J. Strathdee)
    Imperial College, London preprint ICTP/73/29.
    Nuovo Cimento ser.11, A23, 237-256 (1974)

  • Strong Interactions, Gravitation and Cosmology.
    NATO Advanced Study Institute, Erice, June 16-July 6, 1972. High Energy Astrophysics and its Relation to Elementary Particle Physics, 441-452. MIT Press, Cambridge (1974)
  • Sum Rules in Asymptotically Free Theories.
    (with J. Strathdee)
    Nuovo Cimento Lettere ser.2, 10, 113-114 (1974)



  • Are Leptons Really Different from Hadrons?
    ICTP, Trieste preprint IC/74/87.
    The International School of Physics "Ettore Majorana", Erice, July 14-31, 1974. Lepton and Hadron Structure, 2-19. Academic Press, New York (1975)
  • Are the New Particles Color Gluons?
    (with J.C. Pati)
    University of Maryland Technical Report 74-045.
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 34, 613-616 (1975)

  • Color and Charm for the y-Particles.
    (with J.C. Pati)
    University of Maryland Technical Report 75-056.
  • Impact of Quantum Gravity Theory on Particle Physics.
    ICTP, Trieste preprint IC/74/55.
    Proceedings of Symposium held in Chilton, Didcot, Berkshire, Feb. 15-16, 1974. Quantum gravity: an Oxford symposium, 500-537. Clarendon Press, Oxford (1975)
  • The Stueckelberg Formalism for Spin Two.
    with R. Delbourgo.
    Nuovo Cimento Lettere ser.2, 12, 297-299 (1975)

  • Unification of Fundamental Forces and Elementary Particle Physics.
    First Scientific Conference, Baghdad, Iraq, April 1975, 3-8. Iraqi Atomic Energy Commission, Baghdad (1975)


  • Are SLAC μe Events Decay Products of Unconfined Integer-Charge Quarks?
    (with J.C. Pati and S. Sakakibara)
    University of Maryland Technical Report 76-084.
    University of Maryland Physics Publication 76-143.
    Orbis Scientiae 3, Coral Gables, Florida, Jan. 19-22, 1976. New pathways in high-energy physics, 315-327. Plenum Press, New York (1976)
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 36, 1229-1233 (1976)

  • "Color" as a Classification Symmetry and Quark charges.
    (with R.N. Mohapatra and J.C. Pati)
    City College of City University of New York preprint CCNY-HEP 75/6.
    Phys. Rev. D13, 1733-1743 (1976)

  • Quarks, Leptons and Pre-Quarks.
    (with J.C. Pati)
    ICTP, Trieste preprint IC/75/106.
    EPS International Conference on High Energy Physics, Palermo, June 23-28, 1975. High Energy Physics, 154-170. Editrice Compositori, Bologna (1976)
  • Quarks and Leptons Come Out to Play.
    New Sci. 72, 650-652 (1976)
  • Symmetry, Order and Symmetry Restoration.
    (with J. Strathdee)
    ICTP, Trieste preprint IC/76/62.
    Summer Study Meeting on Kaon Physics and Facilities, Brookhaven, New York, June 1-5, 1976, 45-94. Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, New York (1976)


  • Design of Future Experiments:
    I - To Distinguish Between the Alternatives of Physical and Hidden Colour.
    II - To Test if the Neutral Gauge Boson Lies in the Vicinity of PETRA-PEP Region.
  • Gauge Unification of the Four Fundamental Forces.
    Proceedings of the European Physical Society Biennial Conference 9, Budapest, July 4-9, 1977. Particle Physics, 1187-1207. Central Research Institute of Physics, Budapest (1977)
    2nd International Summer College on Physics and Contemporary Needs, Nathiagali, June 20-July 7, 1977.
    Physics of Contemporary Needs, v.2, 419-456. Plenum Press, New York (1978)

  • Lepton-Hadron Unification.
    (with J.C. Pati)
    ICTP, Trieste preprint IC/76/76.
    International Neutrino Conference, Aachen, Germany, Jun. 8-12, 1976. Neutrino '76, 589-629. Braunschweig, Vieweg (1977)
  • Natural Left-Right Symmetry, Atomic Parity Experiments and Asymmetries in High Energy e+e- Collisions in PETRA and PEP Regions.
    (with J.C. Pati and S. Rajpoot)
    Imperial College, London preprint ICTP/76/15.
    Phys. Lett. 71B, 387-391 (1977)

  • Nucleon Dissociation and Quark and Gluon Decays as New Sources of Multi lepton Events.
    (with J.C. Pati)
    Phys. Rev. D15, 1406-1411 (1977)

  • Probing into the Heart of Matter.
    1st International Summer College on Physics and Contemporary Needs, Nathiagali, Aug. 2-20, 1976.
    Physics of Contemporary Needs, v.1, 301-319. Plenum Press, New York (1977)

  • Probing the Heart of Matter.
    The Encyclopaedia of Ignorance 155-157. Pergamon Press, Oxford (1977)
  • The Unconfined Quarks and Gluons.
    18th Rochester Conference, Tbilisi, July 15-21, 1976. High Energy Physics, N91-N99. JINR, Dubna (1977)
  • The Unconfined Unstable Quark (Predictions from a Unified Gauge Theory of Strong, Weak and Electromagnetic Interactions)
    ICTP, Trieste preprint IC/76/21.
    Lecture presented at CERN Colloquium, Feb. 25, 1976.
    Proc. Roy. Soc. (London) A355, 515-538 (1977)

    The Unconfined Unstable Quark I in Comments Nucl. Part. Phys. 6, 183-192 (1976)
    The Unconfined Unstable Quark II in Comments Nucl. Part. Phys. 7, 1-15 (1977)


  • Evidence for Leptonic Colour?
    (with J.C. Pati, S. Rajpoot and J. Strathdee)
    Nature 273, 736-738 (1978)

  • Light Neutral Z0-Boson in the PETRA and PEP Energy Range within the Unifying Symmetry [SU(4)]4.
    (with V. Elias and J.C. Pati)
    Phys. Lett. 73B, 451-456 (1978)

  • Neutral-Current Phenomena Within the Left-Right-Symmetric Unified Theory of Quarks and Leptons.
    (with J.C. Pati and S. Rajpoot)
    Imperial College, London preprint ICTP/76/11.
    Phys. Rev. D17, 131-150 (1978)
  • Unification of the Basic Particle Forces at a Mass-Scale of Order 1000 mw.
    (with V. Elias and J.C. Pati)
    University of Maryland technical report 78-041 (1977)
    University of Maryland physics publication 78-101 (1977)
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 40, 920-923 (1978)



  • Aspects of Particle Physics.
    Seoul Symposium on Elementary Particle Physics, Seoul, 1978.
    Elementary Particle Physics, 5-67. National University, Seoul (1979)
  • A Gauge Appreciation of Developments in Particle Physics - 1979.
    ICTP, Trieste preprint IC/79/142.
    EPS Conference on High-Energy Physics, Geneva, June 27-July 4, 1979. High energy physics, v.2, 853-890. CERN, Geneva (1979)
  • Unification, Superunification and New Theoretical Ideas.
    19th Rochester Conference, Tokyo, Aug. 23-30, 1978.
    High Energy Physics, 933-957. Physical Society of Japan, Tokyo (1979)




  • The Nature of the "Ultimate" Explanation in Physics.
    ICTP, Trieste preprint IC/80/39.
    Herbert Spencer lectures, Oxford, Nov. 12, 1979. Scientific Explanation, 28-35. Clarendon Press, Oxford (1981)
  • Unification of the Forces.
    The Nature of Matter: Wolfson College Lectures, Oxford 1980, 104-125. Clarendon Press, Oxford (1981)


  • Can SU(16) Be Ruled Out by Low Energy Experiments?
    (with J.C. Pati and J. Strathdee)
    University of Maryland Physics Publication 82-061.
    Phys. Lett. 108B, 121-126 (1982)

  • Developments in Fundamental Physics.
    ICTP, Trieste internal report IC/81/223.
    5th General Conference of the European Physical Society, Istanbul, Sept. 7-11, 1981. Trends in Physics, 225-238. Central Institute of Physics, Bucharest (1982)
  • Gauge Interactions, Elementarity and Superunification.
    (Address to the Royal Society Conference on Gauge Theories of the Fundamental Interactions, London, Apr. 29-30, 1981.)
    ICTP, Trieste preprint IC/81/61.
    Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London 304, 135-153 (1982)
  • The Impending Demise of High Energy Accelerators.
    21st Rochester Conference, Paris, July 26-31, 1982. Journal de Physique 43 C-3, 607-610 (1982)
  • Proton-Decay as a Window on Highest Energy Physics.
    ICTP, Trieste preprint IC/81/135.
    PS Conference on High Energy Physics, Lisbon, July 9-15, 1981. Proton Decay Session, 11-16. European Physical Society, Lisbon (1982)


  • ΔB = –ΔL, Neutron → eπ+, e K+, μπ+ and μK+ Decay Modes in SU(2)L × SU(2)R × SU(4) col or SO(10).
    (with J.C. Pati and U. Sarkar)
    University of Maryland Technical Report 84-044.
    Phys. Lett. 133B, 330-336 (1983)

  • Preons and Supersymmetry.
    (with J.C. Pati and J. Strathdee)
    ICTP, Trieste internal report IC/81/222.
    Asymptotic Realms of Physics: Essays in Honor of Francis E. Low, 250-259. MIT Press, Cambridge (1983)


  • Dynamic Mass Generation for Fermions.
    (with J. Strathdee)
    Symposium on Symmetries in Particle Physics, New Haven, Connecticut, April 11, 1981. Symmetries in Particle Physics, 115-125. Plenum Press, New York (1984)

  • Kaluza-Klein Proposal and Electro-Nuclear Gravity.
    ICTP, Trieste preprint IC/84/170.
    22nd Rochester Conference, Leipzig, July 19-25, 1984. High Energy Physics v.1, 24-36. Akademie der Wissenschaften der DDR, Institut für Hochenergiephysik, Zeuthen (1984)




  • Astro-Particle-Physics.
    ICTP, Trieste preprint IC/85/227.
    4th Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity, Rome, June 17-21, 1985, pt.A, 3-7. Amsterdam, North-Holland (1986)
  • The Moon as the Searching Ground for Proton Decay.
    (with J.C. Pati and B.V. Sreekantan)
    University of Maryland preprint 86-072.
    Int. J. Mod. Phys. A1, 147-153 (1986)
    AIP Conference Proceedings, 202, Stanford, CA, May 1989. Physics and Astrophysics from a Lunar Base, 297-304. American Institute of Physics, New York (1990)

  • Of Science and Human Development.
    Roundtable on Development: the Human Dimension, Istanbul, Sept. 2-4, 1985. Human Development: the Neglected Dimension, 261-266.
    North South Roundtable, Islamabad (1986)


  • Conformal Anomaly in a Covariantly Quantized Heterotic Green-Schwarz Superstring.
    (with S. Randjbar-Daemi and J.A. Strathdee)
    Berne University Theoretical Physics BUTP-87/1.
    Mod. Phys. Lett. A2, 145-149 (1987)

  • On SU(3) × SU(2) × U(1) Invariant Compactifying Solutions to Eleven-Dimensional Supergravity.
    (Essays in Honour on 60th Birthday of E.S. Fradkin.)
    (with S. Randjbar-Daemi and J. Strathdee)

    ICTP, Trieste preprint IC/84/15.
    Quantum Field Theory and Quantum Statistics, v.2, 217-232. Adam Hilger, Bristol (1987)
  • Overview of Particle Physics.
    ICTP, Trieste preprint IC/86/35.
    International Conference on Mathematical Physics, Chittagong, Bangladesh, Jan. 8-10, 1986. Mathematical Physics, 1-27. Chittagong University, Bangladesh (1987)
    2nd Asia-Pacific Physics Conference, Bangalore, Jan. 13-17, 1986. Asia-Pacific Physics Conference, 3-33. World Scientific, Singapore (1987)
    Publ. in: The New Physics, 481-491. Cambridge University Press (1989)
  • σ-Models and String Theories.
    (with S. Randjbar-Daemi and J.A. Strathdee)
    Berne University Theoretical Physics BUTP-87/3.
    Int. J. Mod. Phys. A2, 667-693 (1987)



  • Particle Physics Today.
    ICTP, Trieste preprint IC/87/402 entitled: Particle Physics (1987).
    Ann. Inst. Henri Poincaré 49, 369-385 (1988)
    Rev. Roum. Phys. 33, 887-908 (1988)










  • The Origin of Chirality, the Role of Phase Transitions and their Induction in Amino Acids.
    Conference on Chemical Evolution and the Origin of Life, Trieste, Oct. 26-30, 1992. Chemical Evolution: Origin of Life, 101-117. Deepak, Hampton, Virginia (1993)
  • Strong Gravity Approach to QCD and Confinement.
    (with C. Sivaram)
    Mod. Phys. Lett. A8, 321-326 (1993)



  • Biological Macromolecules and the Phase Transitions They Bring About.
    2nd International Symposium on Conceptual Tools for Understanding Nature, Trieste, Sept. 23-25, 1992, 209-220. World Scientific, Singapore (1995)










