Honours, Prizes, Awards

[diplomas] and
[medals] on exhibition in the Marie Curie Library.
- Smith's Prize
University of Cambridge, UK
- Doctor Honoris Causa
Punjab University, Lahore, Pakistan
- Hopkins Prize
University of Cambridge, UK
- Adams Prize
University of Cambridge, UK
- Sitara-i-Pakistan Award
Government of Pakistan
- Pride of Performance Medal and Award
Government of Pakistan
- 1st Fellow from Pakistan
The Royal Society, London, UK
- 1st recipient of Maxwell Medal and Award
Physical Society, London, UK
- Hughes Medal
The Royal Society, London, UK
- Atoms for Peace Prize
Atoms for Peace Foundation, Rockefeller University, New York, USA
- Fellow
Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Stockholm, Sweden
- J. Robert Oppenheimer Memorial Medal and Prize
University of Miami, Coral Gables, USA
- Doctor Honoris Causa
University of Edinburgh, UK
- Honorary Life Fellow
St. John's College, Cambridge, UK
- Guthrie Medal and Prize
Institute of Physics, London, UK
- Honorary Member
Club of Rome, Italy
- Sir Devaprasad Sarvadhikary Gold Medal
Calcutta University, India
- Tate Medal for International Leadership in Physics
American Institute of Physics (AIP), College Park, USA
- Nishan-i-Imtiaz Award
Government of Pakistan
- Doctor Honoris Causa
Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan
- Foreign Member
Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Rome, Italy
- Foreign Member
Accademia Tiberina, Rome, Italy
- Associate Member
Iraqi Academy, Baghdad, Iraq
- Honorary Fellow
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bombay, India
- Honorary Member
Korean Physics Society, Seoul, South Korea
- Foreign Fellow
Indian National Science Academy, New Delhi, India
- Associate Member
Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Yugoslavia
- Cavaliere di Gran Croce dell'Ordine al Merito della Repubblica
Presidency of the Italian Republic, Rome, Italy
- Order of Andrés Bello
Government of Venezuela
- Order of Istiqlal
Government of Jordan
- Doctor Honoris Causa
University of Wroclaw, Poland
- Doctor Honoris Causa
University of Istanbul, Turkey
- Foreign Member
Accademia Nazionale delle Scienze detta dei XL, Rome, Italy
- Member
European Academy of Arts, Sciences and Humanities, Paris, France
- Fellow
Bangladesh Academy of Sciences, Dhaka, Bangladesh
- Peace Medal
Charles University, Prague, Czechoslovakia
- Gold Medal for Outstanding Contributions to Physics
Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czechoslovakia
- Doctor Honoris Causa
Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, India
- Doctor Honoris Causa
Hindu University, Banaras, India
- Doctor Honoris Causa
University of Chittagong, Bangladesh
- Doctor Honoris Causa
University of Bristol, UK
- Corresponding Member
Portuguese Academy of Sciences, Lisbon, Portugal
- Doctor Honoris Causa
University of the Philippines, Quezon City, Philippines
- Lomonosov Gold Medal
USSR Academy of Sciences, Moscow, USSR
- Doctor Honoris Causa
University of Khartoum, Sudan
- Doctor Honoris Causa
Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain
- Foreign Member
Yugoslav Academy of Sciences and Arts, Zagreb, Yugoslavia
- Doctor Honoris Causa
City College, New York, USA
- Doctor Honoris Causa
University of Nairobi, Kenya
- Honorary Fellow
Ghana Academy of Arts and Sciences, Accra, Ghana
- Doctor Honoris Causa
Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Mendoza, Argentina
- Doctor Honoris Causa
Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina
- Doctor Honoris Causa
University of Cambridge, UK
- Doctor Honoris Causa
University of Goteborg, Sweden
- Honorary Member
Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland
- Doctor Honoris Causa
University of Glasgow, UK
- Doctor Honoris Causa
University of Sciences and Technology, Heifei, China
- Doctor Honoris Causa
City University, London, UK
- Corresponding Member
Academia de Ciencias Médicas, Físicas y Naturales de Guatemala, Guatemala City, Guatemala
- Honorary Life Fellow
London Physical Society, London, UK
- Fellow
World Academy of Art and Science, Stockholm, Sweden
- Appreciation for Over 20 Years of Loyal Service
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Vienna, Austria
- Doctor Honoris Causa
Panjab University, Chandigarh, India
- Doctor Honoris Causa
Open International University - Medicina Alternativa, Colombo, Sri Lanka
- Doctor Honoris Causa
National University of Benin, Cotonou, Benin
- Doctor Honoris Causa
University of Exeter, UK
- Doctor Honoris Causa
University of Peking, China
- Honorary Professorship
University of Peking, China
- Corresponding Member
Academia de Ciencias Físicas, Matemáticas y Naturales de Venezuela, Caracas, Venezuela
- Fellow
Pakistan Academy of Medical Sciences, Islamabad, Pakistan
- Second "Genoa" International Development of Peoples Prize
International Centre of Culture for the Development of Peoples, Genoa, Italy
- Doctor Honoris Causa
State University of Ghent, Belgium
- Honorary Fellow
Indian Academy of Sciences, Bangalore, India
- Distinguished International Fellow
Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society, Research Triangle Park, USA
- Appreciation for 25 Years of Loyal Service
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Vienna, Austria
- Honorary Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire (KBE)
London, UK
- Doctor Honoris Causa
"Creation" International Association of Scientists and Intelligentsia, USSR
- II Catalonia International Prize
Generalitat de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain
- Doctor Honoris Causa
Bendel State University, Ekpoma, Nigeria
- ANCIS International Prize (Science)
Associazione Nazionale Centri di Iniziativa Sociale (ANCIS), Rome, Italy
- Doctor Honoris Causa
University of Dakar, Senegal
- 260th Anniversary of the University of Havana Medal
University of Havana, Cuba
- Doctor Honoris Causa
University of Lagos, Nigeria
- Foreign Member
American Philosophical Society, Philadelphia, USA
- Foreign Member
Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
- Doctor Honoris Causa
University of the West Indies, Kingston, Jamaica
- Doctor Honoris Causa
St. Petersburg University, Russia
- Cristoforo Colombo Prize
- Doctor Honoris Causa
University of Dhaka, Bangladesh
- International Prize "Leoncino d'Oro"
Pistoia, Italy
- Honorary Member
Academia Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologia, Lima, Peru
- Mother India International Award
NRI Society, India
- Order of Scientific Merit in the Grade of Great Cross
Government of Brazil
- Honorary Life President
Third World Academy of Sciences (TWAS), Trieste, Italy
- Honorary Life President
Third World Network of Scientific Organizations (TWNSO), Trieste, Italy